A.CURE Foundation: 7 Point Mission Statement

1. A.CURE Foundation is dedicated to promoting racial harmony and awareness to all people, regardless of gender, nationality or religious orientation.

2. A.CURE Foundation stands for A Coalition for Unity & Racial Equality. Our organization is committed to uplifting all of humanity by teaching & learning to look past our individual differences so we can come together and come up with viable answers to the problems that hampers us and keeps us divided.

3.Our purpose is to end the systematic neglect, harassment, mistreatment, miseducation and racial discrimination that has been perpetrated against the common man and woman living in the wilderness of North America and all over the world.

4. Our aim is to start various programs that will enlighten people from all walks of life and eventually rid our neighborhoods and communities of the negative vices and unpleasant despair better known as IGNORANCE. We hope to convert the proverty-stricken, disillusioned,meaningless struggle of the downtrodden citizen into positive, meaningful action.

5. Our organization will work to devise educational methods which will broaden the minds of our children today, so they will have a better future.

6. We are formulating plans to establish experimental institutions and educational workshops to aid us in our mission.

7.Our goal is to elevate, educate and to conquer oppression where ever it exists. We pledge Unity. we promote Justice, and we want to strengthen the bond of world peace, by bringing together all people of different nationalities under one umbrella of humanity that consists of Love, Truth and Goodwill for all.